A Revised Satellite Cloud-Derived Wind Inversion Algorithm Based on Computer Cluster
Lili He1, 2, Zhiwei Cai1, 2, Dantong Ouyang1, 2, Changshuai Wang1, 2, Yu Jiang1, 2, Chong Wang1, 2, 3, Hongtao Bai1, 2, *
CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.64, No.1, pp. 373-388, 2020, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2020.09860
Abstract In view of the satellite cloud-derived wind inversion has the characteristics of
large scale, intensive computing and time-consuming serial inversion algorithm is very
difficult to break through the bottleneck of efficiency. We proposed a parallel acceleration
scheme of cloud-derived wind inversion algorithm based on MPI cluster parallel technique
in this paper. The divide-and-conquer idea, assigning winds vector inversion tasks to each
computing unit, is identified according to a certain strategy. Each computing unit executes
the assigned tasks in parallel, namely divide-and-rule the inversion task, so as to reduce the
efficiency bottleneck of long inversion time… More >