Submission Deadline: 15 September 2024 (closed) View: 434
Recent years have witnessed unprecedented progress in computational biology and biosciences. Our society is eager to see basic research quickly translated into longer and better quality of life through deeper understanding of disease mechanisms and better medical treatment. Accordingly, many topics from computational biology and bioscience have been given high priority in the research. This special issue (SI) highlights mathematical and computational approaches, to examine central problems of the computational biological sciences. The essential target of this special issue is to focus on computational biology - work that uses mathematical approaches to gain biological understanding or explain biological phenomena. Research papers should either provide biological insight as a result of mathematical analysis or identify and open up challenging new types of mathematical problems that derive from biological knowledge. New mathematical ideas, techniques, and results in a biological context are welcome in this proposed special issue. Research areas of mathematical biology covered include, but are not restricted to, cell biology, physiology, development, neurobiology, genetics and population genetics, population biology, ecology, behavioural biology, evolution, epidemiology, immunology, molecular biology, bio fluids, DNA and protein structure and function.
This special issue is mainly focused to address a wide range of the theory and applications of fractional-order derivatives and fractional-order integrals in different directions of mathematical biology. We invite authors to contribute original research articles for the special issue "Mathematical Aspects of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics-II" in the following potential topics that include, but are not limited to:
• Biomodelling
• Genomics
• Neuroscience
• Evolutionary biology
• Cancer computational biology
• Neuropsychiatry
• Image analysis
• Statistical network modelling
• Dynamic pathway modelling
• Protein structure
• Synthetic Biology and Molecular Programming
• Modelling on infectious disease models
• Fractional calculus and its applications on computational biology
• Biophysics, systems biology and computational biology