Submission Deadline: 30 May 2023 (closed) View: 179
Data science deals with vast volumes of data from all fields of life, such as healthcare, security, and surveillance, business, banking, education, engineering, management, gaming, image recognition, and many others (for example), using modern deep learning, machine learning, modeling, statistics, programming, database, data analytics and visualization tools and techniques to find unseen patterns, derive meaningful information, and make informed intelligent decisions. To accomplish this task, five distinct stages of the data science lifecycle, comprising Data Acquisition, Maintenance, Processing, Analyzing, and Communication, are used. To drive advancement in the field of data science, challenging research problems shall be pursued by the research community. As data science is a multidisciplinary area, it borrows methods from computer science, statistics, and other disciplines to solve challenging research issues.
The aim of this special issue is to invite high-quality original research and review articles that cover novel, cutting-edge technologies and methods concerned with the scientific design, development and implementation of decision support systems using latest advancement in the area of data science. This call is also aimed to invite researchers working in the area of integrating AI with data science, with the objective to improve the quality and accuracy of the decisions, generated by these systems across a range of diverse applications.