Submission Deadline: 20 December 2020 (closed) View: 140
Nowadays, IoT devices play a vital role in intelligent communication in physical areas. However, IoT with an opportunistic network can create a very dynamic and smart communicating environment. Recently, several intelligent devices are equipped with the feature of intermittent connectivity. Whenever another smart device equipped with the same features comes in proximity, it forms an opportunistic communication environment. Opportunistic networking is a promising paradigm since frivolous networking systems are unable to exchange information in certain environments. The opportunistic network is created using the concept of ICN, NDN, and CCN to resolve the limitations of trivial networks. An opportunistic network is a challenged network with highly variable or extreme link performance and an unstable routing path from source to destination. Thus, for efficient communication in an opportunistic network, the intermediate nodes may take supervision of data during the blackout and forward it when the connectivity resumes. As an opportunistic network is totally based on opportunity, whenever any information needs to be exchanged, it searches for the nearby devices for data sharing. The key problem is the availability of resource constraint devices during data exchanging/transferring. Here, we come across a challenge of the data rate due to short connection time. Many routing protocols have been introduced to overcome these challenges like 6LOWPAN, RPL, and COAP. Another significant issue is trustworthiness assessment and data integrity since the wireless devices have lots of intermediate nodes for the exchange of information. These intermediate nodes work as relay nodes during data transfer. However, these intermediate nodes may be compromised by malicious nodes to destroy the network's credibility. The malicious nodes perform various attacks on data to reduce the network's lifespan and have a significant impact on streaming applications. The trust assessment scheme and zero-watermarking schemes were introduced to deal with these attacks and ensure data's trustworthiness. Despite all these challenges, the trend is emerging, and investments are made to profit even at higher risk. This emerging networking using wireless digital devices and IoT can be deployed in disaster-hit areas to depict the situation and alleviate grievances. Similar utilization can be found in traffic sensors, cross-border regions, and smart city informatics. Post-Office operations and many more are also making use of opportunistic networking using wireless digital devices and IoT.