Submission Deadline: 31 May 2023 (closed) View: 2003
The peridynamics proposed by Silling [1] is a non-local theory of solid mechanics. It redefines the problems by using integral equations rather than partial differential equations. It is assumed that the equilibrium of a material point is attained by an integral of internal forces exerted by non-adjacent points across a finite distance. This non-local model allows crack initiation and evolution simultaneously at multiple sites, with spontaneous paths inside the material and without formulating a complex crack growth criterion. These advantages have attached considerable attention to peridynamics in the past ten years. The research areas related to peridynamics have also been extended to the fields of thermal, electricity, fluids, soft matter, etc. However, there are still many research areas to explore in the peridynamic framework. These research directions include constitutive modeling, parameter calibration, surface effect correction, application of boundary conditions, multiphysics and multiscale modeling, coupling of peridyanmics and classical theories, high-performance computation, machine learning strategy, software development, etc. Advances in these researches will further promote peridynamics to serve engineering applications better. Therefore, this special issue invites contributions to recent developments on the peridynamic theory and its current progress.
Topics of interest (Including but not limited to the following):
• Peridynamic modeling for advanced materials
• Fracture modelling by using peridynamics
• Multiphysics analysis by using peridynamics
• Multiscale modeling by using peridynamics
• Peridynamic parameter calibration
• Surface effect correction
• Application of boundary conditions
• Coupling of peridynamic and classical theories
• Data-driven and machine learning strategies
• High performance computing to run large scale peridynamic simulations
[1] S.A. Silling(2000), Reformulation of elasticity theory for discontinuities and long-range forces, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 48(1), 175-209.