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  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Generalization of Advanced Encryption Standard Based on Field of Any Characteristic

    Nabilah Abughazalah1, Majid Khan2,*, Noor Munir2, Ammar S. Alanazi3, Iqtadar Hussain4,5
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6121-6138, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.031417 - 28 July 2022
    Abstract Nowadays most communications are done by utilizing digital transmission mechanisms. The security of this digital information transmitted through different communication systems is quite important. The secrecy of digital data is one of the burning topics of the digitally developed world. There exist many traditional algorithms in the literature to provide methods for robust communication. The most important and recent modern block cipher named the advanced encryption standard (AES) is one of the extensively utilized encryption schemes with binary based. AES is a succession of four fundamental steps: round key, sub-byte, shift row, and mix column.… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    An Image Localization System Based on Single Photon

    Yanyi Wu1, Xiaoyu Li2, Qinsheng Zhu1,*, Xiaolei Liu2, Hao Wu1, Shan Yang3
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6139-6149, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.032086 - 28 July 2022
    Abstract As an essential part of artificial intelligence, many works focus on image processing which is the branch of computer vision. Nevertheless, image localization faces complex challenges in image processing with image data increases. At the same time, quantum computing has the unique advantages of improving computing power and reducing energy consumption. So, combining the advantage of quantum computing is necessary for studying the quantum image localization algorithms. At present, many quantum image localization algorithms have been proposed, and their efficiency is theoretically higher than the corresponding classical algorithms. But, in quantum computing experiments, quantum gates… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    A Secure and Efficient Signature Scheme for IoT in Healthcare

    Latika Kakkar1, Deepali Gupta1, Sarvesh Tanwar2, Sapna Saxena3, Khalid Alsubhi4, Divya Anand5, Irene Delgado Noya6,7, Nitin Goyal1,*
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6151-6168, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.023769 - 28 July 2022
    Abstract To provide faster access to the treatment of patients, healthcare system can be integrated with Internet of Things to provide prior and timely health services to the patient. There is a huge limitation in the sensing layer as the IoT devices here have low computational power, limited storage and less battery life. So, this huge amount of data needs to be stored on the cloud. The information and the data sensed by these devices is made accessible on the internet from where medical staff, doctors, relatives and family members can access this information. This helps… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    A Frequency Selective Surface Loaded UWB Antenna for High Gain Applications

    Wahaj Abbas Awan1, Do Min Choi1, Niamat Hussain1, Issa Elfergani2,3, Seong Gyoon Park4, Nam Kim1,*
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6169-6180, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.026343 - 28 July 2022
    Abstract This paper presents the design of wideband and high gain Frequency Selective Surface (FSS) loaded antenna for ultra-wideband (UWB) wireless applications requiring high-gain. The antenna consists of a monopole and an FSS reflector. Initially, a conventional rectangular monopole antenna is modified using slot and stub to achieve wide operational bandwidth and size reduction. This modified antenna shows 50% miniaturization compared to a primary rectangular monopole, having a wide impedance bandwidth of 3.6–11.8 GHz. Afterward, an FSS is constructed by the combination of circular and square ring structures. The FSS array consisting of 8 × 8-unit cells are… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Solar Image Cloud Removal based on Improved Pix2Pix Network

    Xukun Zhang1, Wei Song1,2,3,*, Ganghua Lin2,4, Yuxi Shi5
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6181-6193, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.027215 - 28 July 2022
    Abstract In ground-based observations of the Sun, solar images are often affected by appearance of thin clouds, which contaminate the images and affect the scientific results from data analysis. In this paper, the improved Pixel to Pixel Network (Pix2Pix) network is used to convert polluted images to clear images to remove the cloud shadow in the solar images. By adding attention module to the model, the hidden layer of Pix2Pix model can infer the attention map of the input feature vector according to the input feature vector. And then, the attention map is multiplied by the… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    A Lightweight Model of VGG-U-Net for Remote Sensing Image Classification

    Mu Ye1,2,3,4, Li Ji1, Luo Tianye1, Li Sihan5, Zhang Tong1, Feng Ruilong1, Hu Tianli1,2,3,4, Gong He1,2,3,4, Guo Ying1,2,3,4, Sun Yu1,2,3,4, Thobela Louis Tyasi6, Li Shijun7,8,*
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6195-6205, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.026880 - 28 July 2022
    Abstract Remote sensing image analysis is a basic and practical research hotspot in remote sensing science. Remote sensing images contain abundant ground object information and it can be used in urban planning, agricultural monitoring, ecological services, geological exploration and other aspects. In this paper, we propose a lightweight model combining vgg-16 and u-net network. By combining two convolutional neural networks, we classify scenes of remote sensing images. While ensuring the accuracy of the model, try to reduce the memory of the model. According to the experimental results of this paper, we have improved the accuracy of… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Bipolar Interval-Valued Neutrosophic Optimization Model of Integrated Healthcare System

    Sumbal Khalil1, Sajida Kousar1, Nasreen Kausar2, Muhammad Imran3, Georgia Irina Oros4,*
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6207-6224, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.030547 - 28 July 2022
    Abstract Bipolar Interval-valued neutrosophic set is another generalization of fuzzy set, neutrosophic set, bipolar fuzzy set and bipolar neutrosophic set and thus when applied to the optimization problem handles uncertain data more efficiently and flexibly. Current work is an effort to design a flexible optimization model in the backdrop of interval-valued bipolar neutrosophic sets. Bipolar interval-valued neutrosophic membership grades are picked so that they indicate the restriction of the plausible infringement of the inequalities given in the problem. To prove the adequacy and effectiveness of the method a unified system of sustainable medical healthcare supply chain More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Controlling Remote Robots Based on Zidan’s Quantum Computing Model

    Biswaranjan Panda1, Nitin Kumar Tripathy1, Shibashankar Sahu1, Bikash K. Behera2, Walaa E. Elhady3,*
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6225-6236, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.028394 - 28 July 2022
    Abstract In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm based on Zidan’s quantum computing model for remotely controlling the direction of a quantum-controlled mobile robot equipped with n-movements. The proposed algorithm is based on the measurement of concurrence value for the different movements of the robot. Consider a faraway robot that moves in the deep space (e.g., moves toward a galaxy), and it is required to control the direction of this robot from a ground station by some person Alice. She sends an unknown qubit α |0⟩ + β |1⟩ via the teleportation protocol to the robot. Then,… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    A Deep Real-Time Fire Prediction Parallel D-CNN Model on UDOO BOLT V8

    Amal H. Alharbi, Hanan A. Hosni Mahmoud*
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6237-6252, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.030963 - 28 July 2022
    Abstract Hazardous incidences have significant influences on human life, and fire is one of the foremost causes of such hazard in most nations. Fire prediction and classification model from a set of fire images can decrease the risk of losing human lives and assets. Timely promotion of fire emergency can be of great aid. Therefore, construction of these prediction models is relevant and critical. This article proposes an operative fire prediction model that depends on a prediction unit embedded in the processor UDOO BOLT V8 hardware to predict fires in real time. A fire image database… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    MIoT Based Skin Cancer Detection Using Bregman Recurrent Deep Learning

    Nithya Rekha Sivakumar1,*, Sara Abdelwahab Ghorashi1, Faten Khalid Karim1, Eatedal Alabdulkreem1, Amal Al-Rasheed2
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6253-6267, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.029266 - 28 July 2022
    Abstract Mobile clouds are the most common medium for aggregating, storing, and analyzing data from the medical Internet of Things (MIoT). It is employed to monitor a patient’s essential health signs for earlier disease diagnosis and prediction. Among the various disease, skin cancer was the wide variety of cancer, as well as enhances the endurance rate. In recent years, many skin cancer classification systems using machine and deep learning models have been developed for classifying skin tumors, including malignant melanoma (MM) and other skin cancers. However, accurate cancer detection was not performed with minimum time consumption.… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    An Artificial Heart System for Testing and Evaluation of Cardiac Pacemakers

    Martin Augustynek, Jan Kubicek*, Jaroslav Thomas, Marek Penhaker, Dominik Vilimek, Michal Strycek, Ondrej Sojka, Antonino Proto
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6269-6287, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.028644 - 28 July 2022
    Abstract The usability assessment of a pacemaker is a complex task where the dedicated programmer for testing programmed algorithms is necessary. This paper provides the outcomes of development and complex testing of the artificial cardiac system to evaluate the pacemaker’s functionality. In this work, we used the modular laboratory platform ELVIS II and created graphical user interface in LabVIEW programming environment. The electrical model of the heart allows signals generation (right atrium, right ventricle) and the monitoring of the stimulation pulses. The LabVIEW user interface allows to set the parameters of the generated signals and the More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    State-of-Charge Estimation of Lithium-Ion Battery for Electric Vehicles Using Deep Neural Network

    M. Premkumar1, R. Sowmya2, S. Sridhar3, C. Kumar4, Mohamed Abbas5,6, Malak S. Alqahtani7, Kottakkaran Sooppy Nisar8,*
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6289-6306, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.030490 - 28 July 2022
    Abstract It is critical to have precise data about Lithium-ion batteries, such as the State-of-Charge (SoC), to maintain a safe and consistent functioning of battery packs in energy storage systems of electric vehicles. Numerous strategies for estimating battery SoC, such as by including the coulomb counting and Kalman filter, have been established. As a result of the differences in parameter values between each cell, when these methods are applied to high-capacity battery packs, it has difficulties sustaining the prediction accuracy of overall cells. As a result of aging, the variation in the parameters of each cell… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Residual Autoencoder Deep Neural Network for Electrical Capacitance Tomography

    Wael Deabes1,2,*, Kheir Eddine Bouazza1,3
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6307-6326, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.030420 - 28 July 2022
    Abstract Great achievements have been made during the last decades in the field of Electrical Capacitance Tomography (ECT) image reconstruction. However, there is still a need to make these image reconstruction results faster and of better quality. Recently, Deep Learning (DL) is flourishing and is adopted in many fields. The DL is very good at dealing with complex nonlinear functions and it is built using several series of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). An ECT image reconstruction model using DNN is proposed in this paper. The proposed model mainly uses Residual Autoencoder called (ECT_ResAE). A large-scale dataset… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Swarm Optimization and Machine Learning for Android Malware Detection

    K. Santosh Jhansi1,2,*, P. Ravi Kiran Varma2, Sujata Chakravarty3
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6327-6345, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.030878 - 28 July 2022
    Abstract Malware Security Intelligence constitutes the analysis of applications and their associated metadata for possible security threats. Application Programming Interfaces (API) calls contain valuable information that can help with malware identification. The malware analysis with reduced feature space helps for the efficient identification of malware. The goal of this research is to find the most informative features of API calls to improve the android malware detection accuracy. Three swarm optimization methods, viz., Ant Lion Optimization (ALO), Cuckoo Search Optimization (CSO), and Firefly Optimization (FO) are applied to API calls using auto-encoders for identification of most influential More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    The Kemeny’s Constant and Spanning Trees of Hexagonal Ring Network

    Shahid Zaman1, Ali N. A. Koam2, Ali Al Khabyah2, Ali Ahmad3,*
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6347-6365, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.031958 - 28 July 2022
    Abstract Spanning tree () has an enormous application in computer science and chemistry to determine the geometric and dynamics analysis of compact polymers. In the field of medicines, it is helpful to recognize the epidemiology of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. On the other hand, Kemeny’s constant () is a beneficial quantifier characterizing the universal average activities of a Markov chain. This network invariant infers the expressions of the expected number of time-steps required to trace a randomly selected terminus state since a fixed beginning state . Levene and Loizou determined that the Kemeny’s constant can More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Model for Generating Scale-Free Artificial Social Networks Using Small-World Networks

    Farhan Amin, Gyu Sang Choi*
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6367-6391, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.029927 - 28 July 2022
    Abstract The Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to be applied to social networks due to innovative characteristics and sophisticated solutions that challenge traditional uses. Social network analysis (SNA) is a good example that has recently gained a lot of scientific attention. It has its roots in social and economic research, as well as the evaluation of network science, such as graph theory. Scientists in this area have subverted predefined theories, offering revolutionary ones regarding interconnected networks, and they have highlighted the mystery of six degrees of separation with confirmation of the small-world phenomenon. The… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    A Novel Method for Routing Optimization in Software-Defined Networks

    Salem Alkhalaf*, Fahad Alturise
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6393-6405, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.031698 - 28 July 2022
    Abstract Software-defined network (SDN) is a new form of network architecture that has programmability, ease of use, centralized control, and protocol independence. It has received high attention since its birth. With SDN network architecture, network management becomes more efficient, and programmable interfaces make network operations more flexible and can meet the different needs of various users. The mainstream communication protocol of SDN is OpenFlow, which contains a Match Field in the flow table structure of the protocol, which matches the content of the packet header of the data received by the switch, and completes the corresponding… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Triple Multimodal Cyclic Fusion and Self-Adaptive Balancing for Video Q&A Systems

    Xiliang Zhang1, Jin Liu1,*, Yue Li1, Zhongdai Wu2,3, Y. Ken Wang4
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6407-6424, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.027097 - 28 July 2022
    Abstract Performance of Video Question and Answer (VQA) systems relies on capturing key information of both visual images and natural language in the context to generate relevant questions’ answers. However, traditional linear combinations of multimodal features focus only on shallow feature interactions, fall far short of the need of deep feature fusion. Attention mechanisms were used to perform deep fusion, but most of them can only process weight assignment of single-modal information, leading to attention imbalance for different modalities. To address above problems, we propose a novel VQA model based on Triple Multimodal feature Cyclic Fusion More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Hunger Search Optimization with Hybrid Deep Learning Enabled Phishing Detection and Classification Model

    Hadil Shaiba1, Jaber S. Alzahrani2, Majdy M. Eltahir3, Radwa Marzouk4, Heba Mohsen5, Manar Ahmed Hamza6,*
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6425-6441, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.031625 - 28 July 2022
    Abstract Phishing is one of the simplest ways in cybercrime to hack the reliable data of users such as passwords, account identifiers, bank details, etc. In general, these kinds of cyberattacks are made at users through phone calls, emails, or instant messages. The anti-phishing techniques, currently under use, are mainly based on source code features that need to scrape the webpage content. In third party services, these techniques check the classification procedure of phishing Uniform Resource Locators (URLs). Even though Machine Learning (ML) techniques have been lately utilized in the identification of phishing, they still need… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Biomedical Osteosarcoma Image Classification Using Elephant Herd Optimization and Deep Learning

    Areej A. Malibari1, Jaber S. Alzahrani2, Marwa Obayya3, Noha Negm4,5, Mohammed Abdullah Al-Hagery6, Ahmed S. Salama7, Anwer Mustafa Hilal8,*
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6443-6459, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.031324 - 28 July 2022
    Abstract Osteosarcoma is a type of malignant bone tumor that is reported across the globe. Recent advancements in Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) models enable the detection and classification of malignancies in biomedical images. In this regard, the current study introduces a new Biomedical Osteosarcoma Image Classification using Elephant Herd Optimization and Deep Transfer Learning (BOIC-EHODTL) model. The presented BOIC-EHODTL model examines the biomedical images to diagnose distinct kinds of osteosarcoma. At the initial stage, Gabor Filter (GF) is applied as a pre-processing technique to get rid of the noise from images. In addition,… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Blockchain Driven Metaheuristic Route Planning in Secure Vehicular Adhoc Networks

    Siwar Ben Haj Hassine1, Saud S. Alotaibi2, Hadeel Alsolai3, Reem Alshahrani4, Lilia Kechiche5, Mrim M. Alnfiai6, Amira Sayed A. Aziz7, Manar Ahmed Hamza8,*
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6461-6477, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.032353 - 28 July 2022
    Abstract Nowadays, vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET) turn out to be a core portion of intelligent transportation systems (ITSs), that mainly focus on achieving continual Internet connectivity amongst vehicles on the road. The VANET was utilized to enhance driving safety and build an ITS in modern cities. Driving safety is a main portion of VANET, the privacy and security of these messages should be protected. In this aspect, this article presents a blockchain with sunflower optimization enabled route planning scheme (BCSFO-RPS) for secure VANET. The presented BCSFO-RPS model focuses on the identification of routes in such More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Association Rule Analysis-Based Identification of Influential Users in the Social Media

    Saqib Iqbal1, Rehan Khan2, Hikmat Ullah Khan2,*, Fawaz Khaled Alarfaj4, Abdullah Mohammed Alomair3, Muzamil Ahmed2
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6479-6493, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.030881 - 28 July 2022
    Abstract The exchange of information is an innate and natural process that assist in content dispersal. Social networking sites emerge to enrich their users by providing the facility for sharing information and social interaction. The extensive adoption of social networking sites also resulted in user content generation. There are diverse research areas explored by the researchers to investigate the influence of social media on users and confirmed that social media sites have a significant impact on markets, politics and social life. Facebook is extensively used platform to share information, thoughts and opinions through posts and comments.… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Two-Fold and Symmetric Repeatability Rates for Comparing Keypoint Detectors

    Ibrahim El rube'*
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6495-6511, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.031602 - 28 July 2022
    Abstract The repeatability rate is an important measure for evaluating and comparing the performance of keypoint detectors. Several repeatability rate measurements were used in the literature to assess the effectiveness of keypoint detectors. While these repeatability rates are calculated for pairs of images, the general assumption is that the reference image is often known and unchanging compared to other images in the same dataset. So, these rates are asymmetrical as they require calculations in only one direction. In addition, the image domain in which these computations take place substantially affects their values. The presented scatter diagram… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    NOMA-Based Cooperative Relaying Transmission for the Industrial Internet of Things

    Yinghua Zhang1,*, Rui Cao1, Lixin Tian1, Rong Dai2, Zhennan Cao2, Jim Feng3
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6513-6534, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.029467 - 28 July 2022
    Abstract With the continuous maturity of the fifth generation (5G) communications, industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technology has been widely applied in fields such as smart factories. In smart factories, 5G-based production line monitoring can improve production efficiency and reduce costs, but there are problems with limited monitoring coverage and insufficient wireless spectrum resources, which restricts the application of IIoT in the construction of smart factories. In response to these problems, we propose a hybrid spectrum access mechanism based on Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) cooperative relaying transmission to improve the monitoring coverage and spectrum efficiency. As… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Marketing Strategies Evaluation and Selection for Supply Chain Management Under Uncertainty

    Ngo Quang Trung, Nguyen Van Thanh*
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6535-6546, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.031815 - 28 July 2022
    Abstract Sustainable marketing, often known as green marketing, has grown in popularity over the last two decades. Government is currently putting pressure to encourage firms to become environmentally aware in multiple aspects like human and financial utilization, advertisement, and product movement. Different types of companies are including many environmental campaigns into their own products to take advantage of the problem. Although many scholars have addressed the relevance of green marketing as well as theory development, this study is unique in that it examines both techniques in a fuzzy context. The integrated Fuzzy Multicriteria Decision Making Model More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Chaotic Pigeon Inspired Optimization Technique for Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks

    Anwer Mustafa Hilal1,2,*, Aisha Hassan Abdalla Hashim1, Sami Dhahbi3, Dalia H. Elkamchouchi4, Jaber S. Alzahrani5, Mrim M. Alnfiai6, Amira Sayed A. Aziz7, Abdelwahed Motwakel2
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6547-6561, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.031660 - 28 July 2022
    Abstract Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) interlink numerous Sensor Nodes (SN) to support Internet of Things (loT) services. But the data gathered from SNs can be divulged, tempered, and forged. Conventional WSN data processes manage the data in a centralized format at terminal gadgets. These devices are prone to attacks and the security of systems can get compromised. Blockchain is a distributed and decentralized technique that has the ability to handle security issues in WSN. The security issues include transactions that may be copied and spread across numerous nodes in a peer-peer network system. This breaches the… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Intelligent Slime Mould Optimization with Deep Learning Enabled Traffic Prediction in Smart Cities

    Manar Ahmed Hamza1,*, Hadeel Alsolai2, Jaber S. Alzahrani3, Mohammad Alamgeer4,5, Mohamed Mahmoud Sayed6, Abu Sarwar Zamani1, Ishfaq Yaseen1, Abdelwahed Motwakel1
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6563-6577, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.031541 - 28 July 2022
    Abstract Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) is one of the revolutionary technologies in smart cities that helps in reducing traffic congestion and enhancing traffic quality. With the help of big data and communication technologies, ITS offers real-time investigation and highly-effective traffic management. Traffic Flow Prediction (TFP) is a vital element in smart city management and is used to forecast the upcoming traffic conditions on transportation network based on past data. Neural Network (NN) and Machine Learning (ML) models are widely utilized in resolving real-time issues since these methods are capable of dealing with adaptive data over a… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Hyperparameter Tuned Deep Learning Enabled Intrusion Detection on Internet of Everything Environment

    Manar Ahmed Hamza1,2,*, Aisha Hassan Abdalla Hashim1, Heba G. Mohamed3, Saud S. Alotaibi4, Hany Mahgoub5,6, Amal S. Mehanna7, Abdelwahed Motwakel2
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6579-6594, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.031303 - 28 July 2022
    Abstract Internet of Everything (IoE), the recent technological advancement, represents an interconnected network of people, processes, data, and things. In recent times, IoE gained significant attention among entrepreneurs, individuals, and communities owing to its realization of intense values from the connected entities. On the other hand, the massive increase in data generation from IoE applications enables the transmission of big data, from context-aware machines, into useful data. Security and privacy pose serious challenges in designing IoE environment which can be addressed by developing effective Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS). In this background, the current study develops Intelligent… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Heart Disease Risk Prediction Expending of Classification Algorithms

    Nisha Mary1, Bilal Khan1, Abdullah A. Asiri2, Fazal Muhammad3,*, Salman Khan3, Samar Alqhtani4, Khlood M. Mehdar5, Hanan Talal Halwani4, Muhammad Irfan6, Khalaf A. Alshamrani2
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6595-6616, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.032384 - 28 July 2022
    Abstract Heart disease prognosis (HDP) is a difficult undertaking that requires knowledge and expertise to predict early on. Heart failure is on the rise as a result of today’s lifestyle. The healthcare business generates a vast volume of patient records, which are challenging to manage manually. When it comes to data mining and machine learning, having a huge volume of data is crucial for getting meaningful information. Several methods for predicting HD have been used by researchers over the last few decades, but the fundamental concern remains the uncertainty factor in the output data, as well… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Intelligent Optimization-Based Clustering with Encryption Technique for Internet of Drones Environment

    Dalia H. Elkamchouchi1, Jaber S. Alzahrani2, Hany Mahgoub3,4, Amal S. Mehanna5, Anwer Mustafa Hilal6,*, Abdelwahed Motwakel6, Abu Sarwar Zamani6, Ishfaq Yaseen6
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6617-6634, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.031909 - 28 July 2022
    Abstract The recent technological developments have revolutionized the functioning of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)-based industries with the development of Internet of Things (IoT). Internet of Drones (IoD) is a division under IoT and is utilized for communication amongst drones. While drones are naturally mobile, it undergoes frequent topological changes. Such alterations in the topology cause route election, stability, and scalability problems in IoD. Encryption is considered as an effective method to transmit the images in IoD environment. The current study introduces an Atom Search Optimization based Clustering with Encryption Technique for Secure Internet of Drones (ASOCE-SIoD)… More >

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