Submission Deadline: 31 January 2023 (closed) View: 2254
More than half of the world population is living in cities. It requires extended infrastructure and various services to support the densely concentrated population, ranging from electric grid, private and public transportation, water supply and sewage sanitation, telecommunication, health care, banking, education, childcare, nursing homes, welfare, law enforcement, and governmental operations. Therefore, cities provide a huge opportunity to become smarter by utilizing the latest computer and information technologies. By smarter, we mean that the city operation will be more efficient, cost less, consumes less energy, more connected, more secure, and more environmentally friendly.
The list of enabling technologies that could be used towards smart cities is large. To name just a few, there are Internet of Things (IoT) and sensing technology, new generations of telecommunication technology such as 5G, cyber-physical systems, cloud and service-orientated computing, smart grid, intelligent transportation systems, unmanned aerial vehicles, autonomous driving, machine learning, artificial intelligence, computer vision, and the blockchain technology. One particular valuable opportunity in smart city research is the integration of multiple enabling technologies, which is a largely unexplored territory.
By using the enabling technologies, a wide variety of smart city applications could be developed. We have already seen smart city consortiums and hubs being created that focus on the cultivating and sharing of innovative applications. For example, Smart Cities Connect Media and Research frequently organize events such as conferences, exhibitions, and competitions. They organized the applications into five categories: (1) community engagement, (2) digital transformation, (3) smart mobility, (4) urban infrastructure, and (5) urban operations.
We envisage that many new interesting scientific and engineering problems will arise when integrating multiple enabling technologies together for smart cities. On the other hand, designing smart city applications would also expose areas in the individual enabling technologies that should be improved. Furthermore, in this proposed special section, we encourage researchers to develop coherency in smart city research. What are the common set of requirements for smart cities? How could the enabling technologies work together seamlessly towards future smart cities? These are very important questions to investigate. An important approach is the development of a robust and comprehensive model for smart cities that would be fundamental to the development of many smart city applications.
This special issue welcomes original research and review articles on all aspects of computer modeling for smart city enabling technologies and applications. Topics of interest include, but not limited to, the following areas:
· Computer Modeling for Smart City Enabling technologies:
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- 5G
- Cyber-physical systems
- Cloud and service-oriented computing
- Pervasive computing
- Smart grid
- Intelligent transportation systems
- Unmanned aerial vehicles
- Autonomous driving
- Virtual and mixed reality
- Computer vision
- Machine learning
- Artificial intelligence
- Security and privacy
- Blockchain and distributed ledger
- Integration of enabling technologies for smart city applications
· Computer Modeling for Smart City Applications:
- Air quality monitoring
- Water quality monitoring
- Parking management
- Natural disaster response system
- Emergence response system
- Smart home
- Smart office
- Smart building
- Smart classroom
- Smart factory
- Smart urban gardens
- Smart public park
- Smart transit
- Airport security check system
- Smart healthcare
- Transparent government operations