Special Issues
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Microstructure-Related Toughening Mechanisms in Biological, Biobased or Bioinspired Materials

Submission Deadline: 31 December 2023 (closed) View: 192

Guest Editors

Xiaowu Li, Professor, Department of Materials Physics and Chemistry, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China.

Xiaowu Li is currently a full Professor and Department Head at the Department of Materials Physics and Chemistry, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China. He received his PhD degree in 1998 from the Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has once worked as a JSPS research fellow at Osaka University, Japan, and an AvH research fellow at RWTH Aachen, Germany. He has made contributions mainly in Mechanical Behavior of Various Materials (metallic single crystals, advanced engineering materials, natural biological materials, etc.) with over 280 peer reviewed scientific papers.

Hongmei Ji, Lecturer, Department of Materials Physics and Chemistry, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China.

Hongmei Ji is a Lecturer at the Department of Materials Physics and Chemistry, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China. She received her PhD degree in 2018 from Northeastern University. From 2015 to 2016, she worked as a joint PhD student at Ryerson University, Canada. She joined the Department of Materials Physics and Chemistry, Northeastern University from 2018. Her research focuses on the microstructure and mechanical behavior of biological materials.


The majority of biological materials are fabricated by limited availability of elements (primarily C, N, Ca, H, O, Si, P) at atmospheric pressure and room temperature and in an aqueous environment; this is a significant difference from synthetic materials fabrication. Many biological materials not only are environmental-friendly, but also are light, strong and tough. For example, highly mineralized biological materials in nature, such as bone, teeth or mollusk shells, usually consist of calcium carbonate or calcium phosphate with few of soft phases, but they display a higher strength, a higher toughness and a lower modulus concurrently. Therefore, it is significantly important to investigate the microstructures and their relations to mechanical properties and toughening mechanisms of the biological materials, to offer a theoretical basis for exploring more application in biobased materials and developing high-performance biomimetic structural materials. Numerous experimental methods have been explored to date to produce composites with microstructures and mechanical properties similar to those of biological materials, including 3D printing, freeze casting, bottom-up approach, etc. This special issue is dedicated to the most recent advance in research of the biological, biobased or bioinspired materials, focusing on their microstructure-related toughening mechanisms. The original research and review articles that address the topics of the special issue are invited.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

· Microstructure characterization of biological materials;

· Characterization and modeling of biological and bioinspired structures;

· Structure–property–function relationships and toughening mechanisms of biological materials;

· Design, synthesis and performance of biobased and bioinspired materials;

· Advances in biomass-derived bioinspired materials.


Biological materials; biobased materials; bioinspired materials; microstructure characterization; mechanical properties; toughening mechanisms; design and synthesis.

Published Papers

  • Open Access


    Microstructural Dependence of Friction and Wear Behavior in Biological Shells

    Xin Wang, Ying Yan, Hongmei Ji, Xiaowu Li
    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.11, No.8, pp. 3297-3308, 2023, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2023.027066
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Microstructure-Related Toughening Mechanisms in Biological, Biobased or Bioinspired Materials)
    Abstract As an essential renewable mineral resource, mollusk shells can be used as handicrafts, building materials, adsorbents, etc. However, there are few reports on the wear resistance of their structures. The Vicker’s hardness and friction, and wear resistance of different microstructures in mollusk shells were comparatively studied in the present work. The hardness of prismatic structures is lower than that of cross-lamellar and nacreous structures. However, the experimental results of sliding tests indicate that the prismatic structure exhibits the best anti-wear ability compared with foliated, crossed-lamellar, and nacreous structures. The anti-wear and hardness do not present More >

    Graphic Abstract

    Microstructural Dependence of Friction and Wear Behavior in Biological Shells

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