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Current Advances in Green Nanomaterials Applications
(Editor: Omar S. Dahham)Potential Materials Towards Sustainable Construction
(Editors: Mehran Khan; Li Li; Majid Ali; Fuyuan Gong; Zhigang Zhang)Computational Tools for Renewable Materials
(Editor: Shuang Wang)Renewable Biomass as a Platform for Preparing Green Chemistry
(Editors: Qiaoguang Li; Puyou Jia; Ying Luo; Yue Liu)New Trends in Renewable and Sustainable Materials for Carbon Neutrality
(Editors: Yi Wang; Xiaojia Wang; Zhen Huang; Long Jiang; Hui Wang)Nanocelluloses: Sources, Isolation, and Their Utilization
(Editors: Suryadi Ismadji; Felycia Edi Soetaredjo)New Insights on Nanomaterials for Energy, Environmental and Agricultural Applications
(Editors: Ram Prasad; Vijay Kumar Thakur)Advances in Catalysis toward the Production of Green Energy and Chemicals
(Editors: Mohammad Reza Rahimpour; Ali Bakhtyari; Mohammad Amin Makarem)New Trends in Bio-oil Production, Conversion and Utilization
(Editors: Yi Wang; Xun Hu; Yijun Zhao; Shu Zhang; Dongdong Feng; Bo Zhang)Green, Recycled and Intelligent Technologies in Printing and Packaging
(Editors: Xing Zhou; Yaohong Zhang; Li Li; Wei Zhang; Juntao (Reynard) Tang)Bio-Composite Materials and Structures-2021
(Editors: Haitao Li; Mahmud Ashraf; Rodolfo Lorenzo; Edwin Zea)Advanced Wood Composites from Renewable Materials
(Editor: Antonios N. Papadopoulos)Renewable and Biosourced Adhesives-2021
(Editor: Antonio Pizzi)Renewable Material from Agricultural Waste and By-Product and Its Applications
(Editors: Francisco Rodríguez Félix; José Agustín Tapia Hernández)Natural Fibre Composites: Design, Materials Selection and Fabrication
(Editor: S.M. Sapuan)Bio-based/Degradable Materials towards A Sustainable Future
(Editor: Jin Zhu)Food Packaging Materials Based on Renewable Resources
(Editors: Jun Liu; Tomy J. Gutiérrez; Xingran Kou)Bio-based Halogen-free Flame Retardant Polymeric Materials
(Editor: Xin Wang)New Trends in Sustainable Materials for Energy Conversion, CO2 Capture and Pollution Control
(Editors: Yi Wang; Zhen Huang; Hui Wang; Xiaojia Wang)Recycled Concrete Towards a Sustainable Society
(Editor: Jianzhuang Xiao)Polylactide Based Biopolymeric Systems
(Editor: Mohammadreza Nofar)Biomass-Derived Functional Hydrogels
(Editors: Xuming Xie; Baolin Guo; Qiang Chen)Plastic waste management towards a sustainable future
(Editors: Wan-Ting (Grace) Chen; Hui Jin)Renewable building materials and properties
(Editor: Haitao Li)Green Coating and Film for Degeneration Protection
(Editors: Jun Hu; Yizhou Shen; Xin Zhao)Nanocellulose and Nanocellulose-Derived Functional Materials
(Editors: Haipeng Yu; Yan Yu; Kojiro Uetani; Wenshuai Chen)Renewable and Biosourced Adhesives
(Editor: Antonio Pizzi)Polymeric Composites Based on Sustainable Technologies and Renewable Materials
(Editors: Krzysztof Formela; Mateusz Barczewski)Renewable materials for sustainable development
(Editors: Bernard Saw Lip Huat; Chong Wen Tong; Shufeng Song)15th Brazilian Polymer Conference (15th CBPol)
(Editors: Antonio José Felix de Carvalho; Antonio Aprigio da Silva Curvelo; Daniel Pasquini)The 10th Conference on Green Chemistry and Nanotechnologies in Polymeric Materials (GCNPM 2019)
(Editor: Ugis Cabulis)Bio-composite Materials and Structures
(Editor: Haitao Li)Renewable Polymer Materials and Their Application
(Editors: Puyou Jia; Chaoqun Zhang; Caoxing Huang)Recent Developments on Biobased Materials and Composites
(Editors: Hamid Kaddami; Sami Boufi; Alain Dufresne)