Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany
ISSN: 0031-9457 (Print)
ISSN: 1851-5657 (Online)
Founding and Honorary Editor-in-Chief:
Miguel M. Raggio and his wife, Nora Elba Moro de Raggio, founded Phyton International Journal of Experimental Botany in 1951. Miguel Raggio was born in Rosario, Province of Santa Fe (Argentina) in 1926, the only son of Rómulo Raggio and Genoveva S. Amarilla. He graduated as Agronomy Engineer at the Universidad de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Thereafter, he obtained his PhD in Botany at the University of California, Berkeley, CA, U.S.A. During 1957 and 1958, Miguel conducted scientific research at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, U.S.A. On August 30, 1961 back in Argentina, Miguel and his wife created the Rómulo Raggio Foundation with a sole scientific approach. They incorporated Phyton International Journal of Experimental Botany into the Foundation. Between 1962 and 1965, he was invited by the University of Harvard to conduct scientific research in the U.S.A. Back in Argentina from the U.S.A., where he obtained the Bachelor of Fine Arts at the California College of Arts & Crafts, Miguel devoted himself to the Rómulo Raggio Foundation, changing its approach towards the arts, and creating the Museum of Art in 1983 ( Miguel Raggio was Editor-in-Chief of Phyton until 2005, when he appointed Dr. Carlos A. Busso as his successor in the Journal. Miguel Raggio passed away in Buenos Aires on April 15, 2007.
Carlos Alberto Busso is a Professor of Ecology and Autoecology of Rangeland Plants in the Departamento de Agronomía, Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS), Argentina. He is also a Principal Researcher of the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de la República Argentina (CONICET), at the Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida (CERZOS). He received his Agronomy Engineer and M.Sc. degrees at UNS in 1978 and 1983, respectively, and his PhD in Range Ecology degree in 1988 at Utah State University, Utah, U.S.A. He started his work at UNS as a teaching assistant in Ecology, and continued working in this discipline with no interruption to date. He conducted postdoctoral studies during 1995-1996 at Texas A&M University, Texas, U.S.A. He was a Faculty member (Research Assistant Professor) at the Department of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources at the University of Nevada, Nevada, U.S.A. in 2003 and 2004. In 2010, he was invited as a Visiting Professor at the Institute of Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Guangzhou, China. As a result of obtaining a couple of Associateships in 2012 and 2015 from the Thirld World Academy of Sciences (TWAS-UNESCO), C.A. Busso visited the Institute of Applied Ecology, CAS, Shenyang, China during 2 to 3 months each of 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2017. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany since 2005. He has published 148 articles including thesis, scientific and technological publications in journals, teaching publications and scientific divulgation. He has published more than 230 communications to Scientific Meetings over a wide spectrum of subjects in ecology. He works on the response mechanisms of plants to disturbances (fire, drought, herbivory and their interactions) and also in rangeland ecology and management.
Xiangyang Hu is a Professor of plant physiology and biochemistry at the Department of Life Sciences, Shanghai University, in China. His research has focused on plant reaction to abiotic stress, specifically the impact on molecular mechanisms, germination, and flowering time at the epigenetic level. Recognized as an “outstanding talent” by the Hundred Talents Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dr. Hu was the Principal Investigator at the Kunming Institute of Botany from 2009 until 2015. Dr. Hu received his Bachelor of Science degree at Anhui University in 1997 and his Ph.D. at the Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology in 2003. He conducted his postdoctoral training at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, the University of California, Riverside, and the John Innes Centre in the United Kingdom. His long-term goal is to identify which genes and mechanisms can lead to the development of sustainable agriculture and ecology.
Associate Editors
Pablo H. Pizzuolo
Pablo Pizzuolo’s research involves different aspects related to diseases caused by fungi in vegetables grown in temperate zones. Among the latter are morphology and fungal etiology, fungus bioecological cycles. He also studies various aspects related to diseases management taking into account traditional methods, biological control and others like the ones that use alternative substances with low environment impact. Pablo is agronomical engineer and obtained his degree at Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Argentine). He received his PhD in Plant Pathology at the Universita degli Studi della Tuscia (Italy). He is currently Chair Professor of Plant Diseases at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Argentine).
Diego Bentivegna
Education: Agronomist, Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS) 1993; Master in Agrarian Science, UNS 2001; Master of Science, University of Missouri, USA, 2006; Philosopy Doctor PhD, University of Missouri USA, 2008 (GPA:3.912/4). Research and Teaching Assistance at the University of Missouri- Columbia, MO. Adjunt research CONICET. Expertise: Integrated Weed Management (aquatic and terrestrial), Weed Science, Invasive weed and Herbicide Management.
Jianqiang Qian
My research topics are plant reproductive strategies, clonal traits, plant population regeneration and vegetation restoration on temperate grassland of northern China. Specially, I mainly focus on the role of below-ground propagule pool (i.e., soil seed bank and bud bank) in plant population recruitment and regeneration, and their responses to climate changes and disturbances. I studied the responses of below-ground bud bank to grazing and climate changes and its regenerative contribution to above-ground vegetation on the temperate steppe as well as the spatial-temporal pattern of soil seed bank in sand dune ecosystem in Inner Mongolia, China. I am currently working on the population colonization processes and their regulatory mechanisms of three clonal species (inhabiting different stages of vegetation restoration succession, i.e., active-, semi-stabilized-, and stabilized sand dunes) in arid sand dune ecosystem in northwestern Inner Mongolia, China.
Raúl S. Lavado
Raúl S. Lavado graduated in the College of Agronomy, University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Argentina (1968). He had training/postdoctoral experiences in Spain (1971), Canada (1979) and USA (1980). He is the Distinguished Professor, College of Agronomy, UBA, Argentina.
M. J. Liliana Privitello
Faculty member (Effective Titular Professor) of the subjects Forages and Methodology of the Applied Biological Research of the Department of Agricultural Sciences of the National University of San Luis (UNSL) of Argentina, with 40 years of antiquity. I have postgraduate training related to both curricular spaces. Categorized by the Research Incentive Program (Category I). My experience in science and technology is oriented to applied research, referring to the valorization (qualitative and quantitative) of megatérmicas forage species and their use as forage reserves, utilization and management of forage resources of the semi-arid environment (native and cultivated).
Cristina R. Salgado
Cristina Salgado’s research involves knowing the floral origin of bees’ honeys, through the study of pollen in honey. She works in Melissopalynology in addition to physicochemical and sensory studies, to characterize honeys especially those of native origin with the purpose of generating added value. Cristina started as an Assistant Professor in Plant Morphology and Palynology at Northeast National University in June 2000. She received her PhD in Natural Resources from Northeast National University in April 2016. She is the director of a university career for becoming Beekeeping Technicians. Her main line of work is based on studies applied to the beekeeping sector.
Pedranzani Hilda Elizabeth
Pedranzani Hilda Elizabeth is a professor of plant physiology in the Department of Biochemistry and Biological Sciences Fac., National University of San Luis (UNSL) from 1 October 2013 to date. Biological Professor, National University of San Luis, San Luis, Argentina, 1980. Licenciated in Biology, National University of Comahue, Rio Negro, Argentina, 1987. Doctor in Biological Sciences, National University of Rio Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina, March 26, 2002. Postodoctoral studies: Conservation and Management of Forest Resources. Department of Plant Production and Forest Resources. University of Valladolid, Spain. Arbuscular Endomycorrhizae: Mitigation of abiotic stress in plants. Department of Soil Microbiology. Center for Scientific Research. Granada, Spain. Physiological studies of abiotic stress (drought and cold) in cereals. Department of Botany and Plant Physiology. Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic. Staff Professor: Abiotic stress in the natural and cultivated plants. Department of Botany and Plant Physiology. Faculty of Biology. University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.
John R. Hendrickson
John Hendrickson’s research location focuses on integrating crop and livestock systems and he contributes to this research through developing methods to enhance the resilience and productivity of the rangeland portion of these systems. Specifically, he focuses on understanding mechanisms driving cool-season perennial grass invasion in cool-season grasslands and determining the impact of herbivory on population ecology of grasses. Since receiving his PhD in Rangeland Ecology from Texas A&M University John has been working for the USDA-Agricultural Research Service in Dubois, Idaho and Mandan, North Dakota. He has authored or co-authored over 70 peer-reviewed journal articles, has been invited to author numerous book chapters and presented information both nationally (in the US) and internationally.
María Vanessa Lencinas
I am a Forest Engineer (UNLP) and Dr. in Agronomy (UNSur). I work in the Laboratory of Agroforestry Resources at CADIC-CONICET (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina), in which I am referent in the research line of Forest Management and Conservation, with emphasis in the native Nothofagus forests. My main interest is biodiversity of vascular plants, birds and insects in natural environments with or without natural and anthropogenic disturbances, as well as silviculture and forest management of native forests and in situ conservation of species. I have published more than 90 papers, 12 books chapter and 270 communications/conferences in scientific and technical events. I also have been involved in more than 40 funding projects with national and international collaborators, and direct three scholars and five doctoral theses. Simultaneously, I have in charge the Entomological collection and the Herbarium of CADIC, and assisted in uni- and multi-variate statistical analysis to other members of our working group.
Bengu Turkyılmaz Unal
Dr. Bengu Turkyılmaz Unal completed her undergraduate, graduate and doctoral degrees at the Ege University, Izmir, Turkey. She worked for 6 years in the Botany Department of the same University and was appointed as Asst. Prof. in the year 2011 at the Department of Organic Agriculture- Ulukisla Vocational School of Nigde Omer Halisdemir University. Since 2015 Dr. Unal is serving as Assoc. Prof. at the Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Art and Sciences of the same University. Her scientific interests include: Plant Stress Physiology, Plant Eco-Physiology, Plant Biochemistry, Plant Biotechnology and Organic Agriculture. She has published 60 papers until now including 2 book chapters and nearly 20 papers in impact factor journals.
Dawei Xue
Dawei Xue’s research involves different aspects related to plant genetics, molecular markers, molecular breeding, abiotic stress and quality traits in crops. Especially, he focuses on 1) molecular mechanism dissection of important agronomy traits in rice and barley; 2) molecular assistant selection in rice and barley breeding; and 3) genetic and molecular mechanism of abiotic tolerance in rice and barley. Dawei obtained his PhD in Biochemistry and molecular biology at China National Rice Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS). He is currently the Professor of plant genetics in College of Biology and Environmental Science, Hangzhou Normal University (China).
Alexios N. Polidoros
Dr. Alexios N. Polidoros received his PhD from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) and studied different aspects of antioxidant gene responses to stress, as Research Associate at the department of Genetics of North Carolina State University (USA) for five years. He is currently an Associate Professor and Director of the Genetics and Plant Breeding laboratory at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece). He has studied different aspects of plant’s ability to cope with stress, including genetic and epigenetic responses, aiming to the establishment of principles and criteria for breeding stress tolerant crop plants. He is currently working on the integration of genomic, transcriptomic and phenomic analysis in modern breeding.
Chang-An Geng
Chang-An Geng’s research involves different aspects related to phytochemistry, analytical chemistry and medicinal chemistry, involving the chemical constituents, biological activity, biological function, LCMS analysis, chemical comparison, drug research and development. He received his PhD in Medicinal Chemistry at the Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Afterwards, he pursued his research on chemicobiology and microbial chemistry at the University of Warwick (UK) as an academic visitor. He is currently an Associate Professor of Natural Medicinal Chemistry at the State Key Laboratory of Phytochemistry and Plant Resources in West China, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
Kandasamy Saravanakumar
Dr. K. Saravanakumar has received the doctoral degree from Annamalai University and his research focus in Plant Physiology, Molecular Biology, Plant Pathology, Microbial Biotechnology, plant microbe’s interactions, with special reference to disease diagnosis, bio control, pathogens and microbial associated molecular patterns, patterns recognition receptors, natural products and industrial applications. He received his PhD (Biotechnology) from Annamalai University, India. He employed as Post-Doctoral Researcher in School of Agriculture and Biology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), China. Currently, Dr. K. Saravanakumar working as a Research Professor at the Department of Medical Biotechnology, College of Biomedical sciences, Kangwon National University, Republic of Korea.
Cunxu Wei
I received my PhD in Plant Cell Biology in June, 2002 at Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China. Since July 2002, I started work at Yangzhou University as a Teaching Assistant (2002.07-2005.06), Associate Professor (2005.07-2011.06), and Professor (2011.07- now). I teach Plant Anatomy, Cell Biology, and Developmental Biology to freshmen, and Plant Developmental Biology and Molecular Cell Biology to postgraduates. My research interest is focused on “Development and regulation of endosperm starch in cereal crops” and “Plant starch sources and their properties”.
Rabiye Terzi
Rabiye Terzi is studying on physiology of plants under various abiotic stresses especially drought and heavy metal. She analyzes the responses of plants against abiotic stresses, and the changes in antioxidant system and compatible solutes such as proline, soluble sugars and polyamines in plants under the environmental stresses. She has some studies examining the expression of genes associated with antioxidant system, osmolite synthesis and photosynthesis. Rabiye is a biologist and obtained her degree at Karadeniz Technical University (TURKEY). She received her PhD in Plant Stress Physiology at the same university. She is currently Professor of Plant Physiology at the Faculty of Science, Karadeniz Technical University (TURKEY).
Agustin Zsögön
Dr. Agustin Zsögön is a geneticist and received his PhD in Plant Sciences from the Australian National University. He is Adjunct Professor of Plant Physiology at the Federal University of Viçosa (Minas Gerais, Brazil). His research group studies the relationship between form and function in plants using genetic and physiological approaches in Solanaceae species. Special focus is given to the genetic basis of relevant physiological traits harnessed over the course of crop domestication and improvement. Main research interests: natural genetic variation; genetic manipulation of plant growth habit; genetic basis of plant resistance to abiotic stress; relationship between leaf structure and function; plant transformation and genome engineering; water-use efficiency in crops; coordination and regulation of gas exchange in leaves.
José López Bucio
The research performed by José López Bucio includes plant responses to bacterial quorum-sensing signals, plant nutrition, and hormonal regulation of root system architecture. José is Biologist and obtained his PhD in Plant Biotechnology at the Center for Research and Advances Studies (CINVESTAV). He is currently Professor of Plant Molecular Biology at the Institute for Research in Chemistry and Biology, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (México).
Dali Zeng
Dali Zeng’s research involves different aspects related to rice genetics and rice functional genomics on rice yield-related traits. He also studies various aspects related to high photosynthesis efficiency, leaf senescence and efficient use of nutrients. He is agronomy and obtained his degree at Zhejiang University. He received his PhD in Genetics at University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is currently Chair Professor of Rice Functional Genomics Team at State Key Lab for Rice Biology, China National Rice Research Institute.
Xiaopeng Gao
Dr. Xiaopeng Gao is a research scientist in Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography in Chinese Academy of Science. Dr. Gao received his MSc in Plant Science from China Agricultural University and PhD in Soil Science from Wageningen University in The Netherlands. Dr. Gao has a broad research background in soil fertility, nutrition management and soil ecology. His current research program concentrates on the impact of agronomic practices on reduction of greenhouse gas emission from soils. He is highly experienced and interested in the research areas of development and modeling of 4R management strategies to reduce N2O emissions from agricultural systems. Dr. Gao has published over 40 peer-reviewed journal articles and two book chapters.
Xuewen Wang
Xuewen Wang, PhD majored in molecular genetics who graduated from King’s college London, University of London, UK, with more than 10 years professional experience in genomic and genetic data analyzing and bioinformatic tool development using bioinformatics, especially for genomic data generated from Illumina sequencing and PacBio sequencing. The significant contribution of his research is novel genetic and molecular discovery for understanding the genome/genes role in crop improvement, and initial development of bioinformatic tools. He has published more than 30 articles in academic journals with high impact factor, which have been cited >800 times in academic peer-reviewed journals internationally, and as peer-reviewers for more than 40 Web-of-Science indexed academic journals.
Feibo Wu
Prof. Feibo Wu received her PhD in 2003 at Zhejiang University (ZJU), China. She is the Deputy Director of Crop Science Institute of ZJU. Her main research interest is Molecular Physiology of Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Crops. She has published over 100 papers that have been cited over 4600 times, and her publication H-index is 38 (May, 2019). Her publications include works on plant physiology, agronomy, transcriptomics, genomics, proteomics and analysis of RNA-seq. She is currently Qiu-Shi Distinguished Professor of Zhejiang University. Prof. Wu has supervised 20 Ph.D. students and 17 M. Phil students (Graduated during 1999.09 - 2019.05) and 17 are under progress.
Abdel Nasser Singab
Vice-president for postgraduate studies, research and international affairs (2017 until now). Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy Ain Shams University, 5 years 2011-2017. Vice-Dean for community service 2010-2011. Vice-Dean for postgraduate studies and research 2006-2010. Associate professor and Acting a Head of Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University. Ph.D. Program, Department of Phytochemistry and Natural Medicine, Meiji college of Pharmacy, Tokyo, Japan. Assistant Lecturer, Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Al- Azhar University. Teaching Assistant 1990 and Demonstrator1984, Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Azhar University.
Wenzhi Yang
Wenzhi Yang’s research involves the development of novel analytical technologies applicable to the holistic quality control of herbal medicine and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). He has been dedicated to developing powerful analytical strategies that can enable the comprehensive chemical analyses of multiple botanical metabolites with potential pharmacological properties, such as multiple-dimensional liquid chromatography/high-resolution mass spectrometry, mass spectrometry imaging, and metabolomics/lipidomics approaches. He also shows interest in the separation techniques that can assist to rapidly discover bioactive molecules from natural products. In particular, continuous efforts have been made to unveil the chemical complexity of various Panax herbs and elaborate quality control methods to enable their authenticity. He is a young scientist obtaining his PhD in Pharmacognosy at Peking University (Beijing, China). He is currently a Principal Investigator of TCM Analysis at Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Tianjin, China).
Khalid ul Rehman Hakeem
I am presently working as Professor at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. I have more than ten years of teaching and research experience in Plant Eco-Physiology, Biotechnology & Molecular biology, Medicinal plant research, Plant-Microbe-soil interactions as well as in Environmental studies. I am the recipient of several fellowships at both national and international levels, also I have served as the visiting Scientist at Fatih Universiti, Istanbul, Turkey as well as at Jinan University, Guangzhou, China. Currently I am involved with a number of international research projects with different Govt. organizations. So far, I have authored and edited more than 40 books with International publishers, including Springer Nature, Academic Press (Elsevier), CRC Press etc. I have also to my credit 90 research publications in peer reviewed international journals and 60 book chapters in edited volumes with international publishers. Currently I am engaged in studying the plant processes at Eco- physiological as well as molecular levels.
Mirza Hasanuzzaman
A Professor of Agronomy at Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University in Dhaka. He received his Ph.D. on ‘Plant Stress Physiology and Antioxidant Metabolism’ from Ehime University, Japan. Later, he completed his postdoctoral research at the Center of Molecular Biosciences, University of the Ryukyus, Japan. He was also the recipient of the Australian Government’s Endeavour Research Fellowship for postdoctoral research as an Adjunct Senior Researcher at the University of Tasmania, Australia. Dr. Hasanuzzaman’s current work is focused on the physiological and molecular mechanisms of environmental stress tolerance. He has published over 100 articles in peer-reviewed journals, edited six books and written 30 book chapters. According to Scopus®, Dr. Hasanuzzaman’s publications have received roughly 3,900 citations with an h-index of 32. He is an editor and reviewer for more than 50 peer-reviewed international journals and was a recipient of the ‘Publons Peer Review Award 2017, 2018 and 2019’. He has been honored by different authorities for his outstanding performance in different fields like research and education, and has received the World Academy of Science Young Scientist Award (2014).
Shafaqat Ali
Shafaqat Ali received the Ph.D. degree from the Zhejiang University, China, in 2010 after winning Cultural Exchange Fellowship. Dr. Ali is currently serving as an Associate Professor at Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Government College University, Faisalabad. He is also a Visiting Scientist at the Key Laboratory of Soil Environment and Pollution Remediation, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China and Visiting Professor in Department of Biological Sciences and Technology, China Medical University, Taiwan. His research interests include phytotoxicity and phytoremediation of metals, stress physiology, emerging pollutants in soil and water and biochar applications in environment. Dr. Ali received the HEC Best Young Research Scholar award in Biological Sciences from Higher Education Commission, Pakistan and Gold medal from Pakistan academy of Sciences in the field of Environmental Sciences. He is the author of more than 250 refereed publications and 30 book chapters with cumulative impact factor more than 530 and more than 7700 citations with H-index more than 50. He won many research project as a Principal Investigator and Co-Principal Investigator from different national and international funding agencies. He also serves on the editorial board of many international research journals. He is an editor and reviewer for more than 30 peer-reviewed international journals and is a recipient of the Publons highly cited researcher for 2019.
Mingxun Chen
Mingxun Chen’s research is to investigate gene regulatory networks involved in the control of seed development, accumulation of seed storage reserves including fatty acids and proteins, and responses to abiotic stresses in crucifers of Arabidopsis and oilseed rape. He also employs the molecular breeding strategies to develop new varieties of oilseed rape with high oil yield and strong abiotic stress resistance. Mingxun obtained his Bachelor of agronomy and PhD in Crop Science at Northwest A&F University and Zhejiang University (China), respectively. He was also postdoctoral research fellow at National University of Singapore. He is currently Professor of Crop Science at the College of Agronomy, Northwest A&F University (China).
Jun Cao
Jun Cao’s research mainly focuses on molecular evolution of important family genes, comparative and functional genomics, lateral root development under iron stress, and gene expression regulation. He has published about 50 peer-reviewed articles which have been cited over 600 times. And he is also a reviewer for more than 20 international journals such as MBE, PMB, BMC etc. He received his PhD in Genetics at College of Life Science of Zhejiang University (P.R. China) in 2009. He is currently in the Institute of Life Sciences, Jiangsu University (P.R.China).
Pingfang Yang
Pingfang Yang obtained his PhD diploma from Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2006. He is currently a full Professor of the College of Life Science, Hubei University. His research is mainly focusing on plant proteomics. He is also working on the functional genomics and breeding of rice and lotus (Nelumbo nucifera).
Parvaiz Ahmad
Dr. Parvaiz Ahmad completed his Doctorate degree from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, India, and then joined International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, New Delhi in 2007. His main research area is Plant Stress Physiology and Biochemistry. His work is mainly focused on agricultural and horticultural crops under different environmental stresses like, heavy metals, drought and temperature stress. Mitigation of these stresses and production of crop yield is his main aim of research. External applications of elicitors in overcoming these stresses have been successful and published in good (reputed) journals. He has published more than 90 international papers and books on Environmental related problems in plants.
Luciana Ghermandi
Luciana Ghermandi has been working on the disturbance ecology in the semiarid steppe of northwestern Patagonia, Argentina since 1989. She directs a working group of students, scholars and researchers, with which she has carried out projects to study vegetation dynamics after fires, droughts and volcanic eruptions. The processes studied have been the invasion of exotic species, the seed bank dynamics, the post-fire shrub encroachment, the changes in species richness and diversity, the response of species to fire (resprouts or stimulation of seed germination by fire cues), the evaluation of fire hazard in wildland interface areas, the relationship between fires and meteorological variables, among others.
Fadi Chen
Fadi Chen’s research involves different aspects related to flower development, flower pigmentation and abiotic stress tolerance. He has successfully dissected molecular mechanisms involved in flower development and pigmentation, waterlogging and cold tolerance etc. He is also engaged in ornamental plant germplasm collection, evaluation and new varieties breeding. Fadi Chen is a specialist of Horticultural Science and received his master’s degree in Ornamental Horticulture, and PhD in Crop Genetics and Breeding at Nanjing Agricultural University (China). He is currently Chair Professor of Ornamental Plant Genetics and Breeding at the College of Horticulture, Nanjing Agricultural University (China).
Feihai Yu
Feihai Yu works in many areas of plant ecology, including clonal plant ecology, wetland plant ecology and invasive plant ecology. In particular, he is interested in ecological consequences of small-scale environmental heterogeneity, adaptive evolution of clonal life histories, effects of clonality on performance of individuals, populations, communities and ecosystems, roles of clonal life history traits in plant invasiveness and community invasibility, and adaptive strategies of plants in wetland conditions and restoration of degraded wetland vegetation. He obtained his Ph.D in Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2002, and is currently a professor in Taizhou University, China.
Shucai Wang
Shucai Wang’s research involves different aspects related to plant molecular biology and genome editing in crops. His research interests mainly focus on the dissection of transcription factor networks that regulating hormone signaling as well as plant growth and development. He received, at Nanjing Agriculture University (China), his Bachelor in Ornamental Horticulture, his Master in Plant Physiology, and his PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Nanjing Agriculture University (China). He did his Postdoc researches at the University of Missouri, Columbia (USA) and the University of British Columbia (Canada), worked as a Research Associate at the University of British Columbia and a Professor at Northeast Normal University (China). He is currently a Professor at the School of Life Science, Linyi University (China).
Fuzhong Wu
Fuzhong Wu’s research involves different aspects related to plant litter formation, decomposition and their relationships with soil organic matter. Among the latter are carbon and nutrients biogeochemistrical cycles. He also studies climate changes related to forest management taking into account global warming and precipitation changes. He is a forest ecologist, who received his PhD in Botany at the Graduated University in Chinese Academy of Science (China). He is currently a Professor of forest ecology in Geography School of Fujian Normal University (China).
Jinhui Chen
Professor Chen is devoted to researching the basic theory of important genetic traits and breeding techniques in forest trees. Her research interests include genome research of Liriodendron, cell engineering and genetic transformation breeding techniques for tree species, researching the molecular mechanism of somatic embryogenesis using multi-omics techniques.
Xinghong Yang
Xinghong Yang’s research involves different aspects related to plant physiology, especially on plant photosynthesis and plant stress physiology, Including physiological and molecular changes of photosynthesis in conditions of abiotic and biotic stress factors (such as drought, high temperature and salt stress) and protection mechanisms in plants coping with stressful environment. His lab has developed and used the molecular tools and genetic transformation methods to study the plant behavior in conditions of environmental fluctuations and the mechanism to enhance plant stress tolerance. Yang is professor and obtained his degree at Shandong Agricultural University. He received his PhD in Crop Science at Shandong Agricultural University (China). He is currently Chair Professor of Plant Physiology at the College of Life Sciences, Shandong Agricultural University (China).
Hongxia Zhang
Hongxia Zhang's research involves different aspects related to plant growth, development and response to abiotic stress. He also studies various aspects related to sugar metabolism and wood formation in both crop and woody plants. Hongxia obtained his degree at Qufu normal University (China), and received his PhD in Plant Genetics at Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China). He is currently Chair Professor of Plant Molecular Genetics at School of Life Sciences, Qingdao Agriculture University (China).
José M. Leitão
José Leitão´s research is manly focused on plant genomic studies, map based cloning of genes of interest in different plant crops and conservation and molecular evaluation of plant genetic resources. Mutation breeding and plant epigenetics are another main topics of his research. José Leitão is an Agricultural Engineer with a Ph.D. on Cell Biology awarded by the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon. A visiting scholar/professor at several USA and European Universities, he was awarded with a Doctor Honoris Causa title by the Agricultural University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Currently, he is a Full Professor of Genetics and Plant Breeding and head of the Laboratory of Genomics and Genetic Improvement at the University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal.
Weijun Fu
Weijun Fu’s research interests involve different aspects related to nutrients management of agricultural ecosystem and carbon cycle of forest ecosystem. Recently, he studies the transfer characteristics, the spatial patterns of potential hazardous metals (PHMs) in soil-plant (rice, vegetable etc.) system using 3S techniques and statistical methods. He also chooses the hyper-accumulator Sedum alfredii Hance to remediate the PHM-polluted soil. He published more than 50 peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals. Weijun Fu received his PhD at National University of Ireland, Galway. He is currently Chair Professor of Agricultural Resources and Environment at the School of Environmental and Resources Science, Zhejiang A&F University (China).
Mohamed A. El-Esawi
Mohamed A. El-Esawi’s research interests include different aspects such as understanding the key regulatory mechanisms involved in the development of plants and their environmental stress responses, characterization of plant genome and transcriptome using next-generation sequencing technologies, as well as QTL mapping and genome-wide association studies (GWAS) in plants. Mohamed A. El-Esawi is an Associate Professor of Molecular Genetics at Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Egypt. He has received his PhD in Molecular Genetics from Dublin Institute of Technology, Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin) in Ireland. Afterwards, he joined various highly ranked universities worldwide to conduct high impact postdoctoral research works, including University of Cambridge and University of Warwick in the United Kingdom, University of Sorbonne in France and Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium. He has authored various international publications including peer-reviewed articles, books and book chapters.