Physiological Responses of Dendrobium officinale under Exposure to Cold Stress with Two Cultivars
Shuaishuai Zhang1, Jin Li1, Yongchang Shen1, Linda Nartey Korkor1, Qian Pu1, Jin Lu1, Balock Shakeela1, Dedong Kong2, Ou Li1, Guohong Zeng1,*, Xiufang Hu1,*
Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol.89, No.3, pp. 599-617, 2020, DOI:10.32604/phyton.2020.010074
- 22 June 2020
Abstract This study aimed to explore the cold tolerance of two cultivars of Dendrobium officinale (MG1, MG2) grown in different regions of China. Under -2°C
incubation, cultivar MG1 remained active after 3 d, and continued to grow after
returning to room temperature. However, MG2 could only maintain its activity
after 2 d treatment at −2°C, and the seedlings died with the low temperature treatment time. Investigation of the characteristics of the plants grown in the south
(Hangzhou) or north (Zhengzhou) of China indicated that the leaves of MG1 also
had reduced stomatal density, the highest thickness, and… More >